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You said... We did

We are committed to strengthening the primary / secondary care interface in order to improve patient quality and experience whilst making the best use of clinical time and resources. We are pleased to share with you the most recent editions of our 'You Said, We Did' bulletin outlining some of the thematic issues we have received and how processes have been improved.

PDF copies for sharing with your colleagues are also available here:

You Said We Did December 2023

You Said We Did March 2023            You Said We Did March 2022           You Said We Did September 2021


FHFT and Primary Care Interface Development Collaborative Working Reference Guide

FHFT and Primary Care Collaborative Working Reference Guide  
The purpose of the document is to strengthen the interface arrangements across Primary and Secondary Care and in turn optimise patient care. The guide outlines agreed ways of working for the different clinical professionals within primary and secondary care and covers a wide range of interface situations summarised below. Within the document these can be clicked on to take you to the relevant section:

Referrals, advice and guidance
  • Referrals / A&G standards and responsibilities
  • Suspected cancer referrals redirection process
  • Expediting referrals process
  • Onward referral of elective patients
  • Onward referral of emergency / non-elective patients
  • Evidence Based Interventions (EBIs)
  • Military, overseas and private patients
Prescribing, results and
discharge preparation
  • Management of results and treatment
  • Prescribing including discharge medications
  • Clinic letters and discharge summaries
  • Fitness to work notes
Further support and
guidance / FHFT GP centre
  • FHFT GP centre and support directories
  • FHFT / GP interface development support team -
  • Support for FHFT staff contacting Primary Care
  • Ensuring FHFT digital systems are kept updated

Addendum – Outpatient Prescribing Guide

This is an addendum to the Collab Working ref guide (FHFT and Primary Care Collaborative Working Reference Guide)

Getting in touch

FHFT Communications with Primary Care

The below diagram shows the main ways FHFT communicates key messages with primary care and then re-iterates these messages in other forums (depending on the relevance and importance).

N.b. If a communication is Place-specific but not high enough importance/impact for the SCC route AND the item has missed the cut off for the weekly GP bulletin (above) – the communication will be sent via the ICB Primary Care Managers to disseminate to their practices. This should be requested rarely, and we would request confirmation of receipt of the email and distribution of the communication.

* The GP/PC Bulletin & SCC are also shared with Bucks Practices via the Bucks management / communication structures

Frimley ICB Primary Care Bulletin

All GP/Primary Care Bulletins can be found at:  NHS Frimley - GP bulletin archive (  The bulletin is managed by Frimley ICB but includes key messages from FHFT to Primary Care.

If you have any questions relating to any of the material in this email or have any suggestions for how we could improve this, please email:

Clinical Feedback Concerns

Clinical Feedback’s main purpose is to provide an insight to quality and safety issues encountered by all services to Frimley ICB and to facilitate learning and improvement. Please refer to the clinical feedback process here to find the best route for your enquiry.

If you require any further assistance, please email the Frimley ICB Quality team:

If you have any further thematic concerns/interface improvement ideas, please raise these with our FHFT Interface development team We will work with you to resolve, and where required, raise these for a wider discussion at our ICS-wide Clinical Interface Meeting (CIC).

Bucks GPs

For clinical concerns relating to Patient’s in Buckinghamshire please discuss with your ICB Quality Team: