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Frimley Health Values Logo

Hello and welcome to Frimley Health. We want you to be as comfortable and cared for as possible for however long you are with us, whether you are having an operation, attending a clinic or visiting someone.

We understand that coming to hospital can be a daunting prospect at the best of times and we will help to make your visit easier wherever we can. For example, we can help with translation services, or let you know about wheelchair access.

Just knowing what to bring with you if you are coming in for an operation, and how to prepare for an overnight stay are all things which visitors to our hospitals worry about. We hope this information will help.

We have facilities for visitors across our hospitals including cafes, restaurants and shops. Details of what is at each of our hospitals can be found on this page. 
Our visiting times offer flexibility for families and friends to visit and spend time with their loved ones.

If you have any questions about your visit we hope you will find the answers here, and if you can’t, please do get in touch with us and we will help.

Looking after you

Here at Frimley Health, we take keeping you safe very seriously, by making sure our hospitals are as clean and infection-free as possible.
As you know, germs can spread easily so we need your help to ensure we keep our hospitals clean and safe for everyone. You can help us to look after you during your visit and help us keep you safe.

Get in touch

If you have any questions at all about your visit to us or would like to talk to a member of staff before you come to any of our hospitals, please do get in touch. You will find all of the useful numbers here.

We want to look after you and your family and provide a great service so we would love to hear your feedback about how we are doing, and how you were treated.

If you can’t find the information you are looking for in this section, it might be included in the Your hospitals section or under the particular service you are visiting, in the Our services section.

Our hospitals

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