Discover the exciting career opportunities we can offer, or join our bank of temporary staff.
Private experience and NHS excellence at our private patient suites
Become one of our members and have a say on how your hospitals are run
Our main hospital sites can be contacted through our switchboard
Farnham Hospital
Frimley Park Hospital
Heatherwood Hospital
Heathlands Intermediate Care Unit
Wexham Park Hospital
Or our get in touch page has more options including how to give us your feedback.
Patients who come to our ED departments with non-urgent needs will face long waits. If you think you need help right away, please try 111 first.
Frimley Park Hospital has been included in the government's new hospital programme. Visit our new hospital pages to find out more.
MyFrimleyHealth Record is an online platform that provides our patients with personalised and secure online access to their medical records at Frimley...