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A replacement for Frimley Park Hospital

We are delighted that we have been included in the government’s New Hospital Programme, which will see us build a new state-of-the-art replacement for Frimley Park Hospital by 2030.

We know that the site needs to be replaced because it was built using Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC), which makes up around 65 per cent of the current hospital.

Why we need a new site

Our current hospital has around 7,000 RAAC planks, in some of our most key areas: our operating theatres, intensive care unit, wards, and corridors. These are constantly monitored and safety works undertaken to ensure that we maintain a safe environment.

Alongside our clinical teams and advisors, we have considered whether attempting to build a new hospital on our current site is a viable option. However, this would require a phased demolition and rebuild on a site which is already congested, causing significant disruption to our patients, staff, and hospital services, as well as being more expensive. Most importantly, however, it would be impossible to complete a phased build by our deadline of 2030.

Our current site is too small to deliver modern healthcare standards, and we cannot adequately cater for our growing and ageing population with our current buildings.

As a result, we are now actively looking at alternative locations for a replacement for Frimley Park Hospital.

Listening to the local community

The initial public engagement phase on our new Frimley Park Hospital is now complete.

Over a period of six weeks, we held four public events, one drop-in session and eight pop-up stands throughout our communities. This was alongside our online survey and numerous staff events and meetings. A huge thank you to everyone for engaging with us and sharing your views.

The aims for the engagement period were to:

  • Ensure the public are aware and understand why staying on our current site is not a viable option
  • Allow the public to contribute to the development and refining of evaluation criteria that will be applied when assessing possible sites for a new hospital
  • For the public to tell us which evaluation criteria are most important to them and why

We have now published an independent report on the views, opinions, and feedback we received during the engagement exercise. This is being carefully considered as we move forward with our process to identify potential viable sites for the new Frimley Park Hospital. The full results of the engagement exercise are available to download on our website.

Frimley Health is committed to engaging and involving its local community, stakeholders and staff throughout our journey to a new hospital in 2030.

More detail on our response to this public engagement phase will be added in the next few weeks. If you have any questions or require further information you can email the team at:

We held a series of engagement events in December 2023. A recording of one of them is below.

If you have any questions or require further information you can email the team at


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Your new Frimley Park Hospital

patients, local people and staff are invited to give their views about what’s most important when choosing the site for the state-of-the-art replaceme...

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