A new 200 space car park is opening to the public at Wexham Park Hospital on Monday 3 December.
The site, which was formally part of Pinewood Nurseries, is directly opposite the hospital’s huge new Emergency Assessment Centre (EAC). The £50m building due to open in early 2019 includes one of the best emergency departments in the NHS and further urgent assessment and treatment wards.
The new car park, which includes a number of staff spaces at the far end, is in the shadow of the new development on the other side of Wexham Street and has been positioned close to the new building so that patients and visitors have easier access. A zebra crossing has also been added in Wexham Street to improve safety for pedestrians.
Some public spaces to the south of the Wexham Park Hospital site, outside the Postgraduate Education Centre and Opeck’s Close, will be reallocated to hospital staff. But there will be a net gain of 92 public spaces.
The new car park will be pay and display. It can be seen on the image above to the left of Wexham Street. The new EAC is the oblong building on the bottom centre of the frame. Picture copyright Google Images.