Acute oncology service
The acute oncology service is a nurse led 7-day cross service. We support cancer patients who attend A&E as an emergency and manage cancer and treatment related complications. We also support new diagnosis of cancer patients and deliver regular training to nurses and doctors. We also support patients referred for suspected cancer/vague symptoms.
Alcohol awareness
Frimley Health alcohol specialist nurse team provide specialist expertise and interventions for alcohol-dependent patients and those with acute intoxication or other alcohol-related complications, attending the emergency department or admitted as inpatients. We aim to reduce the level of alcohol harm through alcohol screening, assessment, structured advice, support and treatment.
Arts and Creative Health
Arts & creative health can help improve patients' lives.
Our vision is to enrich our patient, visitor and staff environment by working alongside departments and local communities to enhance our hospitals with inspiring visual design and creativity throughout Frimley Health.
With your help, we enrich the experience of hospital through art and design projects for our patients and visitors as well as supporting the mental wellbeing of our staff.
Recent clinical studies show that placing art and creative health within a healthcare environment can reduce levels of anxiety, depression and stress as well as reducing a patient’s length of stay within the hospital. -
Breast awareness
Come and visit the breast team at their stand where Mrs Karat, consultant surgeon, will be delighted to discuss the surgical services and Macmillan support we provide. Come and feel the implants used in breast reconstruction, and we also have a demo breast - see if you can find the lump!
Cardiology cath labs
Frimley Park Hospital as part of Frimley Health Foundation Trust have 2 state of the art cath labs, a day ward and recovery area.
The department aims to provide services to our patients needing further investigation and treatment within our catchment area.
We can provide the following services:1. Interventional
- Percutaneous Coronary Intervention/Stenting
- Complex PCI ie: CTO, Rotablation, Intravascular Lithotripsy
2. Pacing and EPS/Ablation
3. Non- Interventional
- Direct Current Cardioversion
- Specialist Echo
- Linq Implantable Recorder
4. 24/7 PPCI service.
As part of Cardiology we work closely with coronary care Unit and the cardiology stepdown ward (G9). -
Cardiology wards and clinical education
The coronary care unit (CCU) and acute cardiology ward (G9) look after patients across the specialties of arrhythmia, heart failure, and acute coronary syndromes (ACS). These wards work closely with the cardiac catheterisation laboratory ensuring patients needing interventional cardiology treatment are monitored safely and nursed by exceptionally skilled staff. These level-1 areas are supported by an on-call interventional consultant, who heads the primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) team for heart attacks and other life threatening cardiac conditions.
Clinical education provides education and training framework for both pre-registration and post-registration staff across Frimley Health. Workstream leads and clinical educators offer extensive support to students, healthcare support workers, preceptees and other staff for them to practice, develop and lead care safely and effectively. It liaises with partner universities and stakeholders in the education and training of healthcare workforce to ensure a high standard of patient care is achieved. -
The Trusts' community arm is multifaceted and multi professional. The services include urgent community response, frailty and respiratory virtual wards, intermediate care and the more traditional aspects of community nursing. This enables patients to be safely supported in their own homes which supports timely recovery and positive outcomes.
Community Diagnostics Centres
The national community diagnostics programme aims to deliver new imaging centres away from large hospitals to reduce waiting times and improve access for patients. We are now planning to build a £25m state-of-the-art community diagnostic centre on the Upton Hospital site at Slough. Come and find out how our plans are progressing and how soon it will be open for patients.
Dementia awareness and care Initiatives
Hospital admission can trigger anxiety to a person with a diagnosis of dementia. The stand showcases a range of dementia care initiatives within FHFT on improving the hospital experience of patients and carers.
Electronic patient record and MyFrimleyHealth record
Frimley Health launched its electronic patient record (EPR) system in 2022. It instantly catapulted the trust from one of the least to one of the most digitally advanced in the UK. Now with patient records in one place all clinical services across our hospitals have been completely transformed.
Flu vaccination
The intent behind the winter vaccination programme is to protect frontline healthcare workers, their families and those they care for. Influenza has the potential to increase winter pressures. Vaccination is important as it reduces influenza associated morbidity and mortality and therefore reduces the number of people requiring admission to hospital.
Frimley Health Charity
Frimley Health Charity is devoted to transforming healthcare, facilitating research, and supporting wellbeing across Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust. From regular monthly donations, to sponsored runs, to leaving gifts in their will, every person can play their part.
Frimley Park Radio
Radio Frimley Park serves the patients, staff and visitors at all three Frimley Health hospitals, providing music, dedications, news, and entertainment 24 hours a day.
Come and meet our governors who represent the interests of members and the public- your interests- in the Trust. Talk with us about your experiences and views and discuss your opinions on future strategic developments in FHFT.
Heatherwood Hospital opened in spring 2022 and its first year has been an overwhelming success.
As a planned care hub, without the restrictions and pressures of an emergency department, every element of the new hospital’s design, processes and pathways was designed around efficiency. Working in line with the national plan for elective recovery, key objectives were to:
- Primarily maximise capacity and efficiency, and reduce downtime
- Reduce patient waiting times for elective assessment and treatment
- Prioritise diagnosis and treatment, including a return towards delivery of the six-week diagnostic standard
- Transform the way we provide elective care
- Focus on high volume low complexity (HVLC) cases, for example a target of 10-12 cataract operations and five knee/hip operations per session (a ten hour day, rather than the previous eight)
- Reduce the average length of stay for orthopaedics - from 3.6 days in April 2022 to less than 2.7 days
- Provide better information and support to patients
- Reduce the number of appointments patients need by offering a ‘one-stop’ service for diagnostics and planned procedures
- We trialled new ways of working to target the biggest waiting lists, for example dedicating four and a half of the six theatres to orthopaedic procedures and creating a centralised booking system to cut waiting times and create equity across the north and south of the patch.
We were also able to achieve GIRFT accreditation becoming a Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT) exemplar elective hub site; we scrutinise our performance against very tight KPIs and key metrics, and work in a transparent way to maximise our learning and take every opportunity to improve. For example, we are working towards a wide range of targets, including reducing clinic downtime by backfilling capacity 96% of the time and optimising theatre access to include Saturday operating (six day working).
Integrated Care System / Integrated Care Board
Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care System (ICS) brings together Local Authorities, NHS organisations and the voluntary sector together with a clear shared ambition to work in partnership with local people, communities and staff to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals, and to use our collective resources more effectively.
The system has a diverse population of over 800,000 people in a broad geography which spans East Berkshire from Bracknell to Slough, North East Hampshire, Farnham and Surrey Heath.
Join us to find out about a range of programmes under way across the ICS including virtual wards, our plans in preparation for winter and opportunities to share your own feedback and experience and get more involved in our work. -
Infection prevention and control
Fantastic Beasts & Where to find them
If there is anything the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, it is how vital the prevention and control of infection is for our health and wellbeing, as well as for the safety of vulnerable patients in hospital. The infection prevention & control stand will be providing information on Trust initiatives for prevention of infections, including improvements in surveillance enabled by the new electronic patient record. -
Lung health checks
The targeted lung health check programme (TLHC) is a national population- based screening programme which aims to reduce mortality in lung cancer as part of the NHS long term plan to improve early diagnosis in cancer.
The national teams have set out to achieve 100% population coverage by 2028 for lung screening for all patients registered with a GP aged 55-74 years- by going out to communities to find people who may not realise they have cancer. -
Macmillan cancer support & information
The Macmillan information and support team offer a Monday-Friday advisory service for cancer patients, their families and health professionals.
They provide resources and information about cancer and in particular about support services that are available in the local area.
They provide advice about financial benefits, links to health & wellbeing events and supportive services to enhance patient care. -
Magnet 4 Europe / Shared Gov / Councils
Frimley Health is proudly participating in an international research programme, Magnet 4 Europe. This looks at Magnet- a roadmap to nursing excellence, developed by the American Nurses Credentialing Centre- and considers whether its interventions improve the health and wellbeing of the workforce. We have three shared governance councils looking at TULIP and DAISY awards, improving nursing care, and supporting organisational understanding of Magnet 4 Europe.
Nutrition and dietetics
Diabetes is a condition where the body is unable to control blood glucose levels. With Type 1 diabetes insulin production ceases and with Type 2 diabetes insulin may not work effectively and can decrease over time. Early intervention encourages the person to access care and education and can help minimise long term complications.
Parkside Suite
The Parkside Suite is a private healthcare unit located within Frimley Health Foundation Trust. Private patients have access to a comprehensive range of facilities on-site 24 hours a day. All profits generated by a patients stay are reinvested within the Trust for NHS services.
Physiotherapy / early supported discharge
Do you think that physiotherapists only work with sports injuries and broken bones? Come and find out about the variety of conditions that you can find a physiotherapist hard at work on, both on the hospital wards and in outpatient areas.
Patient Initiated Follow Up (PIFU)
PIFU (patient initiated follow-up) gives patients or their carers control over their follow-up care. By allowing them to be the ones who initiate follow-up appointments, patients can be seen quickly when they need to be, such as when their symptoms or circumstances change, and otherwise avoid the inconvenience of appointments of low clinical value.
This is a key part of the focus on empowering patients and delivering personalised care in the NHS.
PIFU is not a new concept, and commonly goes by a number of other names including open access follow-up, supported self-managed follow-up, SOS etc. The approach helps empower patients to manage their own condition and plays a key role in enabling shared decision making and supported self-management. -
Research and innovation
Research and innovation are at the heart of patient care. Today’s research paves the way to the improved healthcare of tomorrow.
FHFT is a leading centre for clinical research, and welcomes members of the public to play a vital role in new studies. Come and learn how you can get involved.
Shared decision making
Shared decision making is a joint process in which a healthcare professional works together with a patient to reach a decision about their care. The trust has a campaign running to support shared decision-making conversations between patients and clinicians that will enable patients to make better decisions about their care and treatment. It involves discussing treatment options, including doing nothing, based both on evidence and on the person's individual preferences, beliefs and values.
The discussions and information sharing make sure the person understands the risks, benefits and possible consequences of the different options.
Further information can be found on the NICE website and the NHS England website.
Patients will be encouraged to ask four main questions:
- What are the risks of my treatment?
- What are the benefits of my treatment?
- What if I do nothing?
- Are there other treatments I can try?
Stroke awareness
Following a stroke or a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) it can be hard to know how to exercise. Come and learn more about exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. This information is applicable for all, so please come and visit the stand.
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
— Archbishop Desmond TutuI am Sarah, Head of Sustainability. You may be asking- out of all the stands, why should I visit you….. don’t take my word for why sustainability is import but “The World Health Organisation has stated that climate change is the greatest threat to global health in the 21st Century”. The Marmot Review ‘Fair Society, Healthy Lives’ highlighted that "the impacts of climate change will be felt disproportionately by vulnerable groups including economically disadvantaged people, and those with mental illness. Those who most need healthcare are already least able or likely to access it, so disadvantaged people stand to suffer most as financial and environmental resources are constrained. The UCL Lancet Commission: Managing the effects of climate change comprehensively categorised the health risks of climate change, and it doesn’t look good.”
What best sums up my role is"There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in" Desmond Tutu
Tobacco dependency
This team (operating at the Frimley and Wexham sites) offers help and support to smokers in hospital, regardless of why they are admitted. At the assessment a personalised plan is agreed (for temporary abstinence from smoking / or starting a quit smoking attempt to continue when home). Nicotine replacement products are readily available to help manage withdrawal cravings and improve patient comfort during the in-patient stay. An integral part of supporting a quit attempt is to have a smokefree site.
Smoking is the largest avoidable cause of death, disability, and of social inequalities in health in the UK and this work will help achieve the government’s ambition of a smoke free generation by 2030.
Voluntary Services
Volunteers are an integral part of the Trust. With over 800 volunteers each giving 3 hours a week, volunteers have a huge impact on patient experience within the Trust. With over 25 different roles, we welcome anyone interested to attend a volunteer information session at Wexham or Frimley. Come and say hello to Yogi, one of our therapy dogs.
Waiting well
Our patients have access to a number of resources to support them while waiting for treatment, as well as to help with managing long term conditions. Links to these will be demonstrated and feedback collected.